Freitag,  | Press releases

BARTHAUER and bluemetric agree on cooperation

Successful cooperation between Barthauer Software GmbH and bluemetric software GmbH. The object of the partnership is to establish a joint platform to better serve customers with software solutions. Both sides anticipate competitive advantages and the realisation of synergies by combining their technical expertise and through the mutual use of functions.

Barthauer Software GmbH is the leading provider of software for infrastructure and water management. The company’s main product is the database-driven network information system BaSYS for the sewer, water, gas, street and cable specialist fields. bluemetric software GmbH develops software solutions especially tailored to the needs of customers in order to handle a wide variety of tasks, meet disclosure obligations and overcome problems effectively and economically. There are similarities between the two companies notwithstanding different technical focal points. Against this background, the idea emerged to enter into cooperation in order to better serve customers with software solutions on a joint platform. This specific potential is anticipated to result in competitive advantages, the realisation of synergies and the mutual use of functions of the other partner. Barthauer’s GeoDS framework will form the common basis. It will be used by bluemetric to develop solutions that in turn are also going to be of interest for BaSYS customers.

Dipl.-Inform. Anis Saad, managing partner of Barthauer Software GmbH, explains the motivation for working more closely with the midsize company from Griesheim as follows: “I want to meet the continuously growing and changing needs of our customers and support them through innovations and the further development of existing solutions. This includes collaboration with other innovative companies in addition to our own software development. It is the only way to bundle competencies and create efficient new solutions.” Sven Sturhann, Managing Director of bluemetric software GmbH, agrees: “Close cooperation with one of the leading NIS providers in our industry creates a product range with possibilities that cover all needs of the sewer sector.”

Both bluemetric and BARTHAUER have decades of software development experience. The midsize companies have a unique concept in their respective field, permitting the linking and integration of various manufacturers. Both parties agree that cooperation is a meaningful and future-oriented way to survive in a market that is becoming increasingly crowded with companies from other industries. Municipalities and disposal companies however are tending to look for solutions that cover all areas as far as possible, so as to homogenise their sometimes highly heterogeneous system environment. The BaSYS system is being expanded with additional solutions through cooperation between bluemetric and Barthauer.