Barthauer Software GmbH has been developing innovative software for infrastructure and water management for more than 25 years. The company’s leading products are the database-driven network information system BaSYS and the modular Geoobjects Design Studio GeoDS for the creation of individual information systems.
In Braunschweig/Germany, BARTHAUER operates the central Support and Development Centre where highly motivated, dedicated and competent employees converge the best of engineering and software technology, continuously updating the software for the benefit of users.
Based in Braunschweig, the company has branches in Potsdam, Munich Würzburg and Sousse (Tunisia). The BARTHAUER partner concept provides qualified distribution partners and authorised trainers in geographical proximity to our clients in Germany, Austria, Poland, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. And because the entire system is compatible with any language, BARTHAUER products can be used anywhere in the world and are available in many languages already. More than 1,000 customers are already using BARTHAUER software successfully.
Barthauer Software GmbH is part of the BARTHAUER GROUP.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Construction and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry for Defence and the state planning offices of the 16 federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany have been using BARTHAUER software for administering their property since 1991.
In conjunction with the wastewater workgroup formed by the German state building authorities, “Arbeitskreis Abwasser”, BARTHAUER has been developing and implementing the respective current, original ISYBAU interfaces for the comprehensive and smooth transfer of technical sewer data between the client and contractor since 1991.
BARTHAUER's multi-platform concept is the only one in the world that offers the possibility to choose the most suitable graphical interface for a task and the right database management system for central data storage with a uniform user interface. A highlight is that even the graphic definitions of plan configurations are contained and verified in the central database. Thanks to the flexible integration of BARTHAUER products with GIS/CAD systems from leading manufacturers such as Autodesk, ESRI, Intergraph and Bentley, along with support for database management systems such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, clients have the greatest possible freedom of choice and investment security.
BaSYS is a modular, scalable network information system (NIS) for wastewater, water, gas, district heating, electricity and data feeds. It is based on an integrated database structure which is a model derived from the real subterranean infrastructure. As a specialised expanded asset management solution, the system maps the entire network management workflow and supports all work steps from network design and the recording of existing network plans and technical data to their technical inspection, plausibility assessment and classification, and dynamic network calculation through to the optimisation, inspection and rehabilitation of the network.
BaSYS offers solutions for the operational management and maintenance of facilities using integrated mobile workforce management and the evaluation of facilities and assets. Property-based solutions supplement the system thematically.
Collaboration with specialists and partner companies results in the constant expansion of BaSYS. For instance, there are partnerships here in the area of hydrodynamic network calculation or strategic asset management.
Desktop, web-based and mobile applications are available in parallel. Known for its comprehensive functionality, flexibility and practicalness, BaSYS is efficiently and professionally used by civil engineers for infrastructure planning and by employees in administrative associations, communal operations and city agencies and industries for line management.
BaSYS will be also be able to manage above-ground infrastructures such as street surfaces, railway systems, lighting and green spaces with corresponding perfection in future.
With GeoDS, the Geoobjects Design Studio, BARTHAUER is offering a novel solution package for the efficient and time-saving preparation of individual GIS modules. GeoDS can meet almost all individual requirements of the most varied customer groups for an information system through its versatile possibilities for application. GeoDS software solutions can be used, for instance, for asset management, network management, agriculture, pipeline management, municipal infrastructure management all the way to facility management quickly and cost effectively.