Barthauer Software GmbH has been developing innovative software for infrastructure and water management for more than 30 years. The company’s leading products are the database-driven network information system BaSYS and the modular Geoobjects Design Studio GeoDS for the creation of individual information systems.
Bundling resources, improving efficiency and minimising costs? With BaSYS, the integrative and scalable infrastructure management system, you lay the foundation for the joint administration of your infrastructure networks and objects. An integrated database structure serves as the basis. Read more...
BaSYS opera ist die moderne Weblösung mit einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche. Die Auftragsverwaltung wird schnell und unkompliziert über den BaSYS opera manager abgewickelt. Für den mobilen Einsatz auf Smartphones und Tablets ist die Anwendung zur Dokumentation von Ergebnissen direkt vor Ort optimiert. In der zentralen Datenbank werden sofort Fortschritte von Sanierungsarbeiten und Wartungsmaßnahmen dokumentiert. Mehr erfahren...
Zeitlich flexibel, standortunabhängig und systemübergreifend – Daten und Anwendungen werden immer schneller und unkomplizierter verfügbar. Ob am Schreibtisch im Büro oder unterwegs auf dem Tablet oder Smartphone, Ihre Fachdaten können nun überall und jederzeit abrufbereit sein! BaSYS maps ist eine intuitiv bedienbare Auskunftslösung, die neben der klassischen Desktop-Variante auch als Web- und App-Komponente zur Verfügung steht. Mehr erfahren...
Mit der Anwendung BaSYS GAG lassen sich Flurstücke sowie versiegelte Flächen in allen gängigen GIS und CAD-Systemen erfassen und einem Eigentümer oder Verwalter zuordnen. Die Berechnung der Beträge erfolgt automatisch auf Grundlage der hinterlegten Gebührensatzung. Mehr erfahren...
The development of area-wide high-speed fibre optics networks is being driven by local operators and energy suppliers today. This increases the demand for planning new routes and for complete documentation of the media and routes in GIS. BaSYS offers comprehensive tools for infrastructure planning and the management of cable and fibre optics networks. Read more...
BaSYS KKA lets you record and document all facilities and their operators. Upcoming removal dates can be monitored and corresponding disposal orders can be prepared in a timely manner. Corresponding notifications of charges can then be generated automatically based on in-house fee libraries. Read more...
The planning, construction and maintenance of traffic routes and street infrastructure in general is among the most costly municipal investments. That is why documenting and maintaining the data for this infrastructure for ongoing use is particularly important. The network information system BaSYS with the BaSYS Street module offers comprehensive functions for infrastructure planning and management, and supports using the information for above-ground street networks in the direct context of below-ground supply and disposal networks as the basis for interdisciplinary municipal infrastructure management. Read more...
With BaSYS PISA rehabilitation design, several rehabilitation versions can be created on the basis of a visual inspection and compared to each other. This possibility can be used for example to compare the cost of replacement, renovation and repair. For each rehabilitation measure, the costs are automatically determined using the units of measure and unit prices specified in the rehabilitation library. Read more...
Schedule all operational procedures required for the prescribed maintenance of infrastructure networks and objects in one application. The basic application encompasses the administration of all facilities to be maintained, the maintenance procedure libraries, contracts, maintenance planning and the evaluations and reports. Interfaces to the mobile unit and the corresponding configuration are contained in the BaSYS REGIE MOBILE extension. Read more...
Navigate, select and edit: it does not get anyeasier. BaSYS MOBILE helps you document the results of maintenance or rehabilitation tasks for infrastructure objects efficiently and effectively. The orders are transferred to mobile devices for use on site. All maintenance and rehabilitation process steps can be recorded and processed further here for all objects. Read more...
Wastewater from commercial and industrial operations may contain substances that cannot be separated out in treatment plants, or only with great difficulty. It therefore has to be treated before being discharged into the sewer network. The lack of surveillance and failure to comply with monitoring values have significant consequences for an operating company and are usually associated with costs. The high-performance indirect discharger system BaSYS InDATA is the perfect solution to systematically meet the legal requirements for surveillance and monitoring of operations. Read more...
You need to give your employees unrestricted access to current infrastructure data at all times? From various places, using different devices? Then BaSYS WEB is the right solution for you! This application allows you to bring the functionality and scalability of BaSYS desktop solutions seamlessly into the Intranet and Internet. After a one-time installation, all of your inventory data are available to a broad group of users – but only with authorisation. BaSYS WEB delivers the highest performance with ultimate ease of use, both on the PC and on mobile devices. Read more...
With BaSYS, the hydraulic capacity of the sewer network can be verified using the integrated hydrodynamic simulation process. Intuitive technical data forms provide detailed views and tables for data collection and the planning and administration of source and hydraulic data. Hydraulic variants support the design of different execution versions without changing the source data. Thanks to the technical data forms and interactive graphics, the calculation results can be easily verified in a variety of ways. General default data including sewer profiles, precipitation models and catchment area characteristics are stored in individually configurable libraries accessible across projects. Read more...
Who can tell you how the substance and value of your sewer network will develop over the coming years? Considering the deficient condition and tight budgets, forward-looking and economical maintenance and investment planning for sewer networks is becoming increasingly important. With BaSYS STATUS you have a tool that provides you with long-term forecasts – under consideration of the decisions made today. Read more...
Who can tell you what your network will look like in thirty years? What actions do you have to take today in order to maintain reliable operation over the long term? What are the reasons for your decisions? Your perspectives depend on financial and substantial aspects. The effects of your decisions cannot be predicted without a comprehensive analysis and simulation. BaSYS ISA is the tool of choice to provide a substantiated basis for the best decisions. Read more...
The two leading systems in sewer data (BaSYS) and measuring data management (WISKI) now work as a team: generate operating data and time series graphics directly from the BaSYS site plan just as easily as the sewer segment graphics. Detailed geometry data for the situation at the measuring point are generated directly from WISKI. You only have to define the structures and measuring locations once; the two systems synchronise the source data with each other. Linked documents can be used jointly in both systems. Linking operating states from mobile data collection is also possible with both systems. Read more...
PIETS transforms data exchange formats for recognised standards (ISYBAU or DWA M-150) into an XML format or reads them directly in the XML format. The structure and data of the XML file are checked automatically. Object-specific navigation in the data is supported. The editing areas (in table form and as an XML section) are opened interactively from the test, object and XML navigation area. Read more...