You will find field reports about the use of our software products by our clients on the following pages. Find out how our software improves results and makes the day-to-day work of our clients easier.
20 years ago, maintaining and administering sewer systems presented an enormous challenge for the state building authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany. The solution through the ISYBAU action plan and the subsequent implementation of the sewer information system KanDATA (later BaSYS) from BARTHAUER Software GmbH set the standards for economical and efficient network documentation. Continue...
Making geodata including spatial base data and spatial thematic data available to a broad user group requires a modern GIS with a web-based information retrieval system. KASSELWASSER addressed this issue with BaSYS Web creating an innovative in-house sewer information system jointly with SynerGIS WebOffice and ArcGIS Enterprise. The systems were harmonised and increasingly automated over time. Read more...
ITAS Salzgitter GmbH – engineers for civil engineering, wastewater & rehabilitation – was commissioned by the Facility Management department of the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg to develop a sewer rehabilitation plan. The sewer network of the factory premises is comparable to that of a small town, but more demanding because of numerous, branched-off structures obstructing access. In addition, the client has high standards in regards to data compatibility and transparency. Using BaSYS PISA, the BARTHAUER software solution for rehabilitation planning, ITAS can provide efficient task-driven solutions and thereby reduce processing times for sewer rehabilitation by about 20 per cent. Continue...
The DAHLEM consulting engineers use BaSYS flexibly and with dynamic effect: The engineers use the network information system for tasks in municipal owner-operated companies and sewage plants of different sizes and with diverse requirements. BaSYS enables them to meet all customer requirements, because the system’s scalable design allows them to securely and reliably map all tasks from smaller contracts to large projects. Continue...
Water boards in rural areas often face major challenges: Infrastructure frequently undergoes dynamic changes and responsibilities grow. Large volumes of data from various sources must be transferred, administered and used. The Wasserverband Lingener Land eliminated the resulting inefficient redundant data and implemented BaSYS as the tool for all planning and optimisation tasks. Continue...
It is estimated that there are up to 350 million rats in Germany, which is about four rats per inhabitant. And in mild winters they multiply exponentially. German accident prevention regulations oblige operators of wastewater treatment plants to control the occurrence of rats. Continue...
The Lippeverband Hamm in the Ruhr region is responsible for wastewater disposal. The solution from BARTHAUER helps keep the sewer network intact. Open interfaces for the development of individual tools and system-independent video integration are used along with tools for the collection of master and condition data, rehabilitation design and for information. Continue...
The Meppen municipal administration is trendsetting. An innovative organisational structure and the use of highly modern technology and IT form the foundation. With the migration of BaSYS in the water and sewer fields, condition data had to be recorded and analysed, the network structure needed to be revised and maintenance and support optimised. Exact planning information for external service providers also had to be guaranteed. Continue...
Using a pipeline management system for the collection of location and condition data of the wastewater disposal facilities using Reinhalteverband Mühltal & Region Böhmerwald as an example. Only through the recurring inspection of the structural condition, regular maintenance and upkeep can the technical service life of the wastewater disposal facilities of the 24 member municipalities in this region be significantly extended. Continue...
Urban drainage in Zurich faces a variety of challenges: Ongoing settlement development and highly defined topographic structures demand exact hydraulic calculations. Optimum drainage with a water supply that is as natural as possible is the objective. BaSYS HydroCAD for hydrodynamic sewer network calculation supports the targeted analysis of weak points for this purpose. Measures to minimise the negative impact of settlement development on the natural water supply can be planned effectively. Continue...
Der Gemeindeverband für Umweltschutz und Abgabeneinhebung (GVU) ist ein Zusammenschluss aller 40 Gemeinden des Bezirkes Melk in Niederösterreich. Er übernimmt die Organisation der Abfallwirtschaft, die Abgabeneinhebung und bietet den Kommunen kostensparende Serviceleistungen in verschiedenen Bereichen an. Seit Februar 2004 zählt dazu auch der Bereich EDV-Dienstleistungen. Im Rahmen des interkommunalen Kooperationsprojektes nutzen aktuell 31 Gemeinden aus dem Bezirk Melk und Scheibbs sowie der Abwasserverband Ybbsfeld die WebOffice Lösung von Synergis mit BARTHAUER-Leitungsdaten. Weiterlesen...