BaSYS supports full structural engineering data collection for the planned and/or existing sewer network. In general drainage planning, the recorded data are used for hydraulic pre-dimensioning of the planned network versions. The hydraulic capacity of the realised and/or rehabilitated sewer network is verified by the integrated hydrodynamic simulation process. Detailed views and tables for data collection/planning/administration of the source data and hydraulics data for the sewer network are provided in the intuitive BaSYS technical data forms.
Hydraulic variants support the design of different execution versions without changing the source data. The catchment area data, important hydraulic pipe parameters and details of special structures such as the basin volume, weir sill height and pump capacity for example can be varied for each version. After the preferred version is approved by the client, it can be reconciled with the source data.
Through the views in the technical data forms and interactive graphics, the results of the hydrodynamic calculation can be clearly presented and examined in a variety of ways. General default data are available across projects in libraries that can be expanded with user-defined interfaces. These include sewer profiles with curves, actual/modelled precipitation, catchment area characteristics, and volume and pump curves.
The BaSYS modules that can be used within the scope of sewer network hydraulics support numerous possible applications. These include:
General drainage planning for sewer networks requires an efficient method for fast sewer network dimensioning within the scope of the network variants being examined. The proven time coefficient method is integrated into the BaSYS applications for this purpose. It has the following advantages:
Automatic dimensioning can be carried out for the overall network, or alternatively just for the planned or hydraulically overloaded sewer segments. Hydraulically complex sections of the sewer network such as sewer segments with a counter slope, pumping stations or special structures for rainwater treatment are dimensioned using hydrodynamic sewer network simulation with MIKE1D and subsequently used for the time coefficient method if necessary.
The hydrodynamic calculation program uses the nationally and internationally recognised MIKE1D calculation engine from DHI for the simulation. After careful calibration with measurement data, the integrated precipitation-drainage model realistically represents the flow processes from drainage development in the catchment area to the transfer points from the sewer network to the sewage works and/or receiving waters.
The Saint-Venant equations underlying the hydrodynamic sewer network simulation are normally solved without major instabilities, also for the following boundary conditions:
The curve library supports the standardised specification of volume, seepage, pump, flow and throttle curves. Since they have relative elevations, they can be used independently of the elevation of the referenced sewer objects.
By using the simulation results in the full version of MIKE1D, the functionality of sewer network management proposals can be verified. Important application examples are sewer network management by means of weirs, slide valves/throttles and pumps, flooding verification and hydraulic interaction with the existing receiving waters. Hydraulic details of sewer network dimensioning such as special structures, junctions in the flow direction and sections with a counter slope can also be simulated.
Focused on the key parameters, sewer network simulation with the MIKE1D calculation engine integrated in BaSYS has the following main benefits for the user:
Rainwater management projects with MIKE1D therefore quickly add solid value for contractors and clients.
Mass data from the German weather service are imported into Rain Manager by default. There the data are administered in a Firebird database. The import of other mass data formats is also possible with the corresponding configuration of the definition file.
Date-specific and single precipitation events, model rain groups, series rain and/or a continuum are generated using the integrated statistics functions according to DWA-A 121 depending on the task.
Standard views with various levels of detail and additional display of the extreme values as well as individually configurable views can be used for the advance analysis of the precipitation data.
The configurations for generating the model rain groups and series rain are generated automatically using the defaults according to DWA-A 118. The chosen result of the statistical analysis is written to a standardised XML file – which can be imported directly into the hydrodynamic sewer network stimulation or another application.
The sewer network section being calculated is automatically generated as what is known as a hydraulic network once the ending sewer segments are selected. Starting sewer segments are defined in addition when needed. The sewer objects of the hydraulic network can be calculated directly from the database without changing the source data through hydraulic standby systems.
For each calculation run, the hydrodynamic sewer network simulation takes into account all calculation elements such as pipes, open ditches, retaining basins, junctions, special structures, weirs, pumps and slide valves/throttles. Sewer network dimensioning with the time coefficient method automatically interprets the hydraulic network as a manhole-sewer segment model that does not take the details of special structures into account.Global default settings enable the parallel formulation and administration of different boundary conditions for the hydraulic dimensioning and/or hydrodynamic simulation of the sewer network. The desired global default settings are chosen before each calculation run.
Individual hydraulic conditions that deviate from the default settings can also be defined per sewer object. Rain from the rain type library is assigned to each calculation run.
Predefined database queries and reports are available for visualising the results of the hydrodynamic sewer network simulation and sewer network dimensioning. The resulting data output can be exported as Office documents of any form, such as MS Excel files, for subsequent use.
A statistical analysis of the results is performed with the BaSYS Dashboard. Important characteristics are output dynamically in diagrams with a modular layout. The statistics integrated into the modular system can be filtered interactively. Thus the current project status is interactively presented to decision makers.
Hydrographs are generated for the relevant sewer object and stored in the database by the calculation runs of the hydrodynamic sewer network simulation. The hydrograph values are displayed graphically and as tables in the forms, the extreme values as tables and in fields. In BaSYS-Plan the data are visualised with theme plans, for example regarding the water level and hydraulic utilisation.
An overview of results for the sewer network simulation also shows the hydrographs for the active sewer object and the adjacent objects. The drainage hydrographs of the connected catchment areas are also shown for sewer segments, the hydrographs of the sub-elements for special structures. The view can be switched between water depth and flow. The dynamic longitudinal section is described in a separate section.
Standardised XML documents define the database queries and reports, the dashboard and theme plans. These can be duplicated, edited in the multifunction editor and imported or exported as desired.
The dynamic longitudinal section is integrated into the hydrodynamic sewer network simulation and corresponds to a video animation of the development of the water level situation over time in a chosen sequence of sewer segments. Thus the simulation results for critical sections of the sewer network can be realistically visualised for the decision makers.
The sewer segment sequences of the dynamic longitudinal section are defined intuitively and administered in a database. For each sewer segment sequence that is loaded, the data of any calculation run can be called up.
The animation is carried out automatically and/or with a manual slider. Interrupting the animation, stopping the slider or navigating directly to a time step produces a freeze frame that can be printed and/or exported.
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