UniWERT is intended for the detailed calculation and administration of public infrastructure object assets and equipment in the sewer, water, gas, street, real estate and building segments. It is the ideal software solution for the classification of municipal infrastructure assets in compliance with the new requirements for municipal budgeting and accounting (NKF, NKR, NKRS, NKRT), simultaneously meeting the requirements of double-entry bookkeeping. Certification according to IDW PS 880 supports compliance with legal or regulatory requirements for companies in Germany.
With UniWERT, assets can be managed by the cost of acquisition and production or by replacement value. Asset valuation for sewer, water, gas and road networks as well as freely definable object types can be performed using the quantity, index or redistribution procedure. All other facilities can be treated in line with standard asset accounting or using the index procedure if required. The respective calculations are performed according to the valid sets of standards, for instance in the sewer segment according to worksheet DWA A-133, and taking into account the Communal Budget Ordinance (GemHVO) and Local Tax Act (KAG) of the various federal states.
UniWERT makes your work easier with numerous wizards. You establish the basic conditions for asset valuation with the help of the Configuration Wizard. In the sewer sector for example, the configuration determines whether manholes are valued separately or together with sewer segments (group valuation). Here the desired asset groups and depreciation classes are set up automatically at the same time. Index tables can be imported conveniently.
The quantity procedure integrated in UniWERT corresponds to a cost determination and takes the following positions among others into account for facilities and distribution networks: Surface cover, excavation, shoring, bedding, installation, dewatering and backfilling. These positions are created with the Position Wizard under consideration of source data, e.g. nominal widths, materials, profile codes etc. that are maintained in the BaSYS source data. User-specific configurations can be used to establish the bases and details for determining quantities and costs. This also includes using additional cost groups and positions.
Contract section administration is a special feature of UniWERT. Since the infrastructure objects are not created and billed individually as a rule but in contract sections (for example a construction zone), a percentage distribution of the construction costs is possible in reference to cost determination with the help of contract section administration. It is also possible to record individual invoices for the initial posting of additions and disposals as well as subsidies that are distributed to the individual contract section objects by year.
Any number of monetary additions and disposals can be recorded in the standard UniWERT version. DWA A-133 “5.5 Adjustment of the depreciation rates/expected useful lives” is also taken into account in UniWERT. The useful life can be changed as often as desired. Transferring the changed useful lives from other programs (forecast-assisted for example) via data transfer is possible.
With the index procedure, the replacement costs for the current valuation year or missing acquisition costs can be determined through the corresponding price index based on a known replacement value.
Retroactive accounting to the theoretical cost of production based on the currently valid replacement costs for the respective object in the construction year is realised as well. Production or replacement costs of prior years can be extrapolated to the replacement costs of the valuation year. A complete history of the value development of plant and equipment can therefore be set up and administered. The acquisition value underlying depreciation is displayed. After the calculation of depreciation, the complete depreciation history for a facility including changes due to additions and disposals as well as altered useful lives is displayed in UniWERT.
With the year-end closing, UniWERT makes it possible to irrevocably freeze the acquisition and/or replacement costs for all facilities depending on the fiscal year, thereby protecting the asset master and asset data from change. The erasure ban is the basis for data security in accordance with IDW PS 880.
UniWERT nutzt die Technologie von Microsoft Windows und SQL Server sowie Oracle zur sicheren Verwaltung der Nutzerrechte und Vermögensdaten.
Nutzer des Netzinformationssystems BaSYS profitieren darüber hinaus von der direkten Integration von UniWERT in das Netzinformationssystem mit dem Vorteil des direkten Zugriffs auf bereits vorhandene Stammdaten von Infrastrukturobjekten.