Wherever a connection to the central wastewater network is not possible, property owners have to treat their wastewater using small-scale wastewater treatment plants or store it in closed pits. Municipal bylaws regulate the responsibilities of cities or municipalities, or third parties approved by them, for the safe disposal of sewage sludge and collected wastewater based on water laws. BaSYS KKA lets you record and document all facilities and their operators. Upcoming removal dates can be monitored and corresponding disposal orders can be prepared in a timely manner. Corresponding notifications of charges can then be generated automatically based on in-house fee libraries.
BaSYS KKA assists communities and municipalities with processing and documenting the emptying of small-scale wastewater treatment plants and undrained collecting pits, and enables end-to-end documentation of the disposal orders and notifications of charges. Thus an overview of compliance with the disposal deadlines and intervals according to the bylaws is assured at all times.
Technical and administrative data of the small-scale wastewater treatment plants as well as information relevant for disposal, such as deadlines and the last disposal date, along with data of the approved disposal firms can be administered with BaSYS KKA. System-specific disposal rates are administered in a fee library, differentiated between fees for owners and disposal companies.
Disposal orders can be generated automatically for the facilities that need to be emptied by choosing corresponding time intervals. All documents that are relevant for disposal are subsequently available (such as cover letters, lists of facilities and blank proof of disposal forms).
With order placement, a notification of charges is prepared for each affected facility, which needs to be completed with the actual quantities and costs after disposal. A previously prepared notification of charges can be corrected at any time.
When the notifications of charges are approved, form letters to be sent to the owners are generated automatically. With the debit position function, the invoice amounts are declared as entries for an incoming payment and corresponding lists are generated. An interface to an existing financial accounting system can be realised on request.
Insofar as location geometries have been assigned to the small-scale wastewater treatment plants, these can for example be visualised together with the land cadastre in the integrated Network Navigator. The object data for a small-scale wastewater treatment plant can also be displayed in a form via selection in the graphic, or one can navigate to the facility in the graphic via a selection in the form.
Thanks to the multi-platform concept integrated into BaSYS, it is possible to use BASYS KKA with a link to an existing graphics system. Thus the small-scale wastewater treatment plants can for example be displayed, queried and plotted together with the land and sewer network cadastres using all leading GIS and CAD systems or WebMap servers.
Existing facility data, information about owners and other stakeholders as well as order and notice histories can be migrated from other systems to BaSYS KKA using the freely configurable BaSYS ASCII interface.