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Webinar Asset simulation - Excellence in Asset Health Management

Nowadays utilities find themselves in an area of friction between limited budget and their duty to ensure a proper supply of the customers. For a successful asset management the operators need sophistic tools to help them to find appropriate decisions and to manage / document the operational works. At the end the utilities need solutions for the strategic / predictive and operational asset management for their organizations.

BARTHAUER and Entellgenio fill this gap as the network information system BaSYS provided by BARTHAUER serves as an asset information system for the acquisition, management and operation and maintenance of network asset data while Entellgenio offers a solution for finding the best maintenance / rehabilitation strategies for these assets based on the asset data provided by BaSYS.

In this webinar we will demonstrate how the combination of both solutions helps you to manage your network assets more efficiently – strategic and operational. If you’re interested to participate in this free webinar please Register.

Title of the webinar: Webinar Asset simulation

More Info about our Webinars and free registration...